Citizens For A Better America® has two distinct ways we communicate with the public, one is through our Commentaries and News Release List ™ and the other is through our "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO?"™ Flyers which we usually
publish at election time. You can view clickable lists of past publication of either of these groupings by date or topic, but each type has its own list.
Quick Link -Have You Been Lied To? (TM) Flyer Articles (by date)
Quick Link -Commentaries and News Releases (by date)
Quick Link Commentaries and News Releases (by Topic)
"HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO?"™ Flyer Articles by Topic
THE LIE: The abortion issue should not be in the Republican Party Platform
THE LIE: Abortion should..
Ballot Measures
State Ballot Measures - CA and CO
Bond Acts or Measures
Bond acts or measures are good business.
THE LIE: Giving China MFN status motivates them to behave.
THE LIE: We are doing all we can to combat drugs.
Goals 2000 is not a takeover of local school districts.
Goals 2000
THE LIE: Goals 2000 is not a takeover of local school districts.
THE LIE: Goals 2000 is not a takeover of local school districts. (Reprint 2000)
Good Guys Lists
There are no more "GOOD GUYS" to vote for in America.
Our "GOOD GUYS List"™ for Nov. 5,'96 AK - MS
Our "GOOD GUYS List"™ for Nov. 5,'96 NC - WY
There are no good guys running for higher office in California.
Our "Good Guys List"™ for Jan. 13, '98 Special Election
THE LIE: "We Don't Need Prop. 22."
THE LIE: "Homosexual marriage is none of the government's business."
THE LIE: Why bother voting, it does not matter anyway. - Rep. Dannemeyer
THE LIE: There are no more "GOOD GUYS" to vote for in America.
THE LIE: "I am voting, isn't that enough?"
THE LIE: "We Don't Need Prop. 22."
THE LIE: "Homosexual marriage is none of the government's business."
N.A.F.T.A. North American Free Trade Act
THE LIE: Destroying America is good for the world.
THE LIE: Destroying America is good for the world. (Reprint 1996)
THE LIE: NAFTA will be good for America.
THE LIE: NAFTA has been great for America and Mexico.
THE LIE: We are doing all we can to combat drugs.
Presidential Candidates
THE LIE: Any change is better than what we have now, even Bob Dole, Steve Forbes or Phil Gramm.
THE LIE: Bill Clinton is so bad any Republican can beat him in November
THE LIE: Alan Keyes Meets America's Moral Challenge.
THE LIE: Phil Gramm can be trusted on TAXES & GATT.
THE LIE: Bob Dole will be a good President.
THE LIE: Bob Dole can win without Buchanan supporters.
THE LIE: The abortion issue should not be in the Republican Party Platform
THE LIE: Abortion should..
See Ballot Measures
THE LIE: The President only deals with one issue- Taxes.
THE LIE: Why bother voting, it does not matter anyway. - Rep. Dannemeyer
THE LIE: There are no more "GOOD GUYS" to vote for in America.
THE LIE: "I am voting, isn't that enough?"
