Establishment versus Outsiders.
Republican candidates for President in 1996 can be divided into two broad categories. In the Establishment camp are Senators Robert Dole, Phil Gramm and Richard Lugar, Gov. Lamar Alexander and Steve Forbes.
In the Outsiders camp are Republicans Patrick J. Buchanan, Charles Collins, Congressman Bob Dornan, Alan Keyes, and head of the American Taxpayers Party, Howard Phillips.
If you vote for one of the Establishment candidates, and he wins, this is, what you Can expect:
First, a muting of the revolutionary fervor of the 73 freshman House Republicans elected in November 1994. It will be impressed upon them that -"process"- the appearance of how you govern - is the only thing that counts in politics, not the substance of
policy change, which demands attention, if you want to get along, go along.
Second, lip service to the necessity to amend the Constitution to reinstate Religious Liberty in America, including voluntary school prayer, while, at the same time, avoiding picking up the laboring oar to get it accomplished for fear of being branded as
a member of the Religious Right by the atheists who dominate major media, TV and print, in American journalism.
Third, a refusal to take the necessary step to stop the flow to foreign countries of middle class paying manufacturing jobs. In 1960, we imported 5% of manufactured products, by 1973, 14% and by 1990, 40%. The number of Americans working in manufacturing
jobs dropped from 21 million people to 18 million from 1980 to 1991.
Transferring middle class paying jobs from America to foreign countries in the name of pursuing the New World Order—is nothing less than transferring the wealth of middle class America to the rich families of the poor countries of the world.
Fourth, a refusal to do anything to stop the flood of illegal aliens into our country while at the same time finding a way to justify sustaining, or not withdrawing, American troops from Bosnia.
Fifth, continuance of the March to a New World Order, with a gradual diminishment of the sovereignty of the United States brought about by NAFTA, GATT/WTO and similar agreements in the future.
Sixth, continuation of affirmative action quotas based on race, under some other name.
Seventh, a failure to build S.D.I., Strategic Defense Initiative, a defensive shield to protect America from ballistic missiles of intercontinental range, which
someday may come into the hands of the next Saddam Hussein somewhere around the world.
What about the outsiders?
Of the outsider candidates only one man has demonstrated and been consistent in all of his public speeches, public writings and actions over many, many years.
That man is Pat Buchanan. Pat Buchanan, to me has the best chance of winning among the Outsiders and he will be my choice in the primary because he defines the difference with the Democrats
If you vote for Patrick Buchanan, and he wins, this is, what you can expect:
First, a continuation of and expansion of the ballot box revolution of 1994, in which the American people turned over control of the U.S. Congress, both Houses to the party on the outs, the Republican party, for the first time in 40 years. The message
from this revolution is simple we Americans want less government, less taxes, less regulations, and more growth in the private sector.
Second an aggressive pursuit of the adoption by Congress of a Constitutional Amendment to Reinstate Religious Liberty, voluntary school prayer, and its ratification by the required 38 states. We Americans cannot hope to retain our freedom without
recognizing that morality is ultimately based on religious convictions. The U.S. Supreme Court has stolen our religious heritage by their decisions over the past 48 years.
Third, America must pursue policies to establish a level playing field to stop the loss of middle class paying manufacturing jobs to foreign countries. Communist China and Japan have a positive, trade balance with the U.S. of about $20 Billion and $50
Billion respectively.
Fourth, assigning U.S. troops and or the national guard to our border areas to stop illegal immigration. What a farce that our national political leadership will send 20,000 American troops to Bosnia and not protect our own borders.
Fifth, “ have
my word. When I get to the White House, NAFTA will be canceled. Also, there will be no more $50 billion bailouts of socialist regimes anywhere in the world. (Address to United We Stand America, Preparing America for the 21st Century, conference on
08/12/95 in Dallas.) Patrick Buchanan is ready to do something about NAFTA.
Sixth, abolishment of quotas and affirmative action. We should give life to those statements of Dr. Martin Luther King and Senator Hubert Humphrey, the moving spirits behind the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that we Americans will judge people not on the
basis of their age, color, religion or race, but on their abilities to pursue their dream independent of these qualifications.
Seventh, development of SDI and the establishment of a defense against intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Of the outsiders there is only one serious contender. Only one who is serious about winning the nomination, and only one who wants to do more than just bring the issues into the public forum.
Patrick Buchanan has been talking to us for years. He recognizes someone must do more than talk, he can not only take on Bill Clinton, he is the only one that can beat Bill Clinton and he will do what the establishment candidates won’t.
We Republicans should remember the election of 1980 when Ronald Reagan became President. The American people responded to a candidate who promised and delivered fundamental change, a difference with the opposition Democrats.?
Bill Dannemeyer served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1979 to 1992. His service included service on the Budget Committee. It also included service on the Commerce and Judiciary Committees
Citizens For A Better America® admires Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s commitment to principle over politics not only when in Congress but now! Thank you.