“By agreeing with Canada and Mexico to establish powerful trinational commissions on labor and environmental issues as part of the NAFTA side agreements, the Clinton Administration has jeopardized American sovereignty to
win the support of critical special interests. The administration has succeeded only in making a bad pact worse.” (Congressman Duncan Hunter R-CA, in a press release dated August 26, 1993)
“Supernational ‘dispute settlement panels’ are set up, with power to fine the U.S. government (i.e. taxpayers) $20 million per offense, if they determine we are not properly enforcing U.S. laws.” “under NAFTA, trade sanctions,
including total suspension of all preferential investment benefits and reimposition of tariffs, may be imposed on the United States. Canada, however, is exempt. U.S. negotiators let Canada off the hook but left us on!” (Pat Buchanan, Washington Times
article, “GOP’S NAFTA divide, Monday August 23, 1993)
“Under NAFTA, Canadians and Mexicans will have authority to levy million-dollar fines on the United States, to inspect our factories, to challenge our state laws.” “NACE, the North American Commission on the Environment says, Montana
Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, is an ‘iron fist’... for turning Earth Summit’s grand talk...into action.” (Pat Buchanan in the Washington Times article, “Revolt brewing among the Middle-Americans”, Monday August 30, 1993)
Congressman John LaFalce (D-NY) describes in ROLL CALL THE NEWSPAPER OF CAPITAL HILL (Monday, March 29, 1993, “Why I Oppose NAFTA”), the case of a Catholic relief worker from Buffalo, N.Y. who spearheaded a collection of 9,000
sweaters for Guatemalan refugees. “The sweaters were confiscated by Mexican customs authorities on suspicious charges. When the US relief worker rejected a bribery offer from a low-level Mexican official, the worker was stalked and shot ten times.
Miraculously, he lived.” This is not an isolated case, “Rather, they are cases of
North American
Free Trade Act |
American citizens suffering the same injustices Mexicans endure daily.” Congressman LaFalce ends his article with: “Should the United States embark on NAFTA knowing that the ruling government of its southern partner abhors the very values and rights on
which this country was founded and functions?”
These are just a few of the problems NAFTA is rife with. Unfortunately our political representatives need us all to scream real loud or they will pass this treaty/ACT. They are listening to other voices, and can not seem to hear the
voices of the American Citizen, YOU!!
We at Citizens For A Better America® strongly recommend that you contact your friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers. Whether they live around you or across the country, copy and fax this article to them, have them call their
Congressman and Senators and tell them to vote NO on NAFTA. The vote on NAFTA as of the press time of this flyer will be on Tuesday November 17, 1993. Tell your Congressman and Senators that if they vote for NAFTA, they are giving away the governing of
our country, and opening the borders to unimpeded drug traffic which would be tantamount (described in Webster’s New Dictionary as equal to in value, effect) to treason (described in Webster’s New Dictionary as “betrayal of one’s country to an enemy”).
Those enemies being the drug traffickers and those that abhor the very values the United States of America was founded on.
LIE #2 of many
NAFTA Will improve employment in the U.S.!
U.S. workers would be competing with workers from a nation where the minimum wage is 58 cents per hour versus $4.25 per hour.
“It will depress the wages of American workers, and force many American businesses to downsize, move to Mexico, or die. Consider what we have done to U.S. business and industry in five years. We bumped the minimum wage to $4.25 an
hour, re-imposed racial quotas, mandated the hiring of the handicapped, imposed new environmental rules that are eating up our investment capital, and hit our most successful with the two biggest tax raises in history.” “Now, with NAFTA, we are saying:
Not to worry, you can escape all these rules, regulations and taxes, you can say good-bye to EPA, EEOC, IRS and OSHA, if you set up your next plant - in Mexico. NAFTA’s message: Go south, Americans, south to Mexico! (Pat Buchanan, Washington Times
article, “NAFTA Dubious Deal”, Wednesday August 11, 1993)