Prop. 204 - NO.
Prop. 205 - NO
Prop. 206 - NO
Prop. 207 - NO
Prop. 208 - NO
Prop. 209 - Yes
Prop. 210 - NO
Prop. 211 - NO
Prop. 212 - Yes see below
Prop. 213 - NO
Prop. 214 - NO
Prop. 215 - NO
Prop. 216 - NO
Prop. 217 - NO
Prop. 218 - Yes
Prop. 212 - Normally at first glance, Citizens For A Better America® would be in opposition to such a measure but our Honorary National Chairman, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer who is on the Yes on 212 Advisory Board, made the following
convincing argument. In a written statement Congressman Dannemeyer states: “To put this in perspective, when I first ran for the State Assembly in 1962, the total primary and general election expenses did not exceeded $10,000 and I won. The value of the
dollar has depreciated by a factor of five since then, so a campaign expenditure of $50,000 equivalent in 1962 for an Assembly seat has now escalated to the point where it takes between $250,000 and one million to win today! This quantity of money has
escalated to the point where it has corrupted our political system and it has to change. Prop. 212 is the vehicle to achieve this by limiting Out of District contributions to NO more than 25% of the total.” Signed: Bill Dannemeyer.
(Member, U.S. House
of Representatives, 1979-1992, Member, California State Assembly, 1963-1966, 1976-1977.)
Amendment 11 - NO, it is ludicrous to tax