I have heard it said that all politicians are bad. Well, my friends what we have attempted to do in this flyer is to strongly encourage you to vote and work to elect the candidates on our “GOOD GUYS LIST” (sm). These men and women are not
politicians but they are statesmen. They are willing to do the hard things, even go up against the leadership of both major political parties, if need be. It is extremely rare among individuals running for political office to find a person who will
consistently put conviction ahead of politics.
On our"Good Guys List"™ are the candidates we found we could confidently endorse. We contacted each registrar of voters, the Secretary of State, the county registrar and in many cases the city election officials. From their lists of candidates we called
the candidates who supplied phone numbers to the registrar and offered them the chance to apply for our endorsement. Every candidate that we receive a fax or e-mail address for, is sent a CFABA Candidate Questionnaire to complete and return to us. In
California we contacted 810 candidates and we faxed or e-mailed out 258 candidate questionnaires; of those we received 40 back. We endorsed 8 of them.
Why did they qualify to be on our "Good Guys List"™? Because they had the correct answers to some very difficult questions, 17 very tough questions to be exact; questions about some very difficult issues affecting all of America today.
To design the questions, we drew upon our years of experience dealing with candidates on the hard issues. No one was allowed to hide. As one candidate told his wife, “This organization is asking political questions to find out what my core beliefs are
and it doesn’t matter what office I am running for.” That candidate was exactly right.
Our "Good Guys List"™, is a very special list, only those who stood for returning America back to its foundation of morality and values qualified. Some who may have qualified did not submit a questionnaire. Others who submitted a completed candidate
questionnaire simply were not candidates we could endorse. It is important to note, we did our utmost to encourage everyone to respond and send in their questionnaire.
Obviously, we do not have the space here to print each completed candidate questionnaire; it would be over 12 pages of reading. We have found that large numbers of people do not want to read extra information. We have listed the candidates first by the
state and county they are running in, then by the office they are running for. Under the office they are running for we listed them by last names, first name, middle initial, and the district number, if there is one.
We know that the questions that we ask in our questionnaire are tough questions. The issues that we have talked about in this flyer are tough issues. I believe that is one of the reasons why so few candidates wanted to answer our questionnaire. But, you,
the voter end up in benefiting from that. You are receiving this flyer because you are in an area of one or more of these candidates and we strongly encourage you to vote on Tuesday, November 4, 1997, for the individual(s) on our"Good Guys List"™.